Children’s Book Writing For Amazon Kindle


The updated guide focuses on the process of creating an ebook manuscript and using Amazon’s Kindle publishing to release new books quickly and consistently. Using these tips, readers can fulfill their dreams of becoming published authors while also taking full advantage of the Amazon algorithm to ensure widespread distribution.

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This information has been compiled to keep readers informed on the recent developments in self-publishing, which has typically been a costly and complicated process. However, now that Amazon allows self-publication through their platform, anyone can easily become a children’s author by following the steps in the J.J. Fast Publishing guide.

As far as publishing goes, children’s literature can be the most accessible of any other form, especially given the reduced writing and editing time required to put together a children’s manuscript. Although traditional publishing still offers royalties for every copy sold after publication, the figure offered through ebook publication is far higher and easier to market.

With these facts in mind, J.J. Fast Publishing has created this guidebook to help prospective authors achieve their goals easily and quickly. For those unfamiliar with what it takes to create and market a book independently, this guide can be an incredibly valuable source of information.

Among other things, the guide offers tips on how to generate the most sales from a minimal amount of material, and on how to create a franchise based on a simple set of characters and ideas. Along these same lines, they have included a procedure for splitting longer chapter books into many individually published ebooks to maximize market exposure.

The guide also includes a set of technical specification guidelines that authors can use to make their manuscripts look professional and fresh. These guidelines explain everything from the proper bleed and margins to use when formatting a page, to what color schemes and marketing tactics to use when designing a cover.

J.J. Fast Publishing has helped hundreds of authors find their footing on Amazon’s recently created platform, and they will continue to offer their free expert advice for the foreseeable future. Their guides can be used to navigate the confusing world of self publication with ease, speed, and profitability.

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J.J. Fast Publishing
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